Wednesday, September 17, 2008

God is in the Details

I was just walking back from the mess when suddenly this struck me. What does the master actually know? some more thought on the same and I realised - the details.

When you pay attention to details, you become a master. The general way of handling any tool, or knowing any knowledge can be accessed by any one; but to be a master u need to understand the tool/knowledge better than the rest. There is no second thought about it. Though I am using the words tool and knowledge here it doesn't limit to that, there are a lot of other areas this can be seen.

If we look at a master musician, we realize that he has spent far more time understanding the instrument. The mastery the maestro presents is a manifestation of the attention to details, uncovered over years of practice to reach perfection and make it a new level.

The example is just a real life scenario of the importance of knowing the details... The details are important. Very important. To rob the words of my friend Ashwini Patil's words - God is in the details. You need to focus on each and every detail to be excellent, to be the best, to beat the best dont rest...keep focusing on the minutest of details.

If you consider the ability of kun-fu trainees to do what we cannot do, it is only by sheer practise, discipline, and the attention to details. There is the Chinese saying - "If you know youself, you master your body, there is no weapon more stronger than you. You can use your body as the sowrd to guard yourself."

The attention to details makes us aware - infact fully aware of what we do. We rely less on chance and more on effort(or rather say... what was understood to be chance earlier becomes a route you know).

May be this awareness of and attention to details by the so called 'gurus' in the Indian context have given them a huge importance. Their attention to details makes them appear more than human...some times supernatural...that I guess is why they the guru (read master) to God in the sloka
"Gurur Bhramha, Gurur Vishnu, Gurur Devo Maheshwaraha
Gurur Sakshat Parabhramha, Tasmai Shree Guraven namaha..."

A musical mastero attains the hight of perfection, but is able to understand a lot of related areas by mapping to ones domian of expertise at various levels; even this is by attention to details. The attention is what I would call as concentration. The more one concetrates, aka focuses on understanding the domain, giving details a higher weightage (this comes by observation) the mental processes set in helping improve and stay aheas in the race...becoming a master in the long run.

Focus and attention to details come only through patience, practise, and perseverence. The 3Ps hold the key to being the God.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There is a critical component of brain's processing capacity - most commonly referred to as intelligence. Mere knowledge of details does not make a master. A deliberate critical & objective thought to use the knowledge of the details in the appropriate situation makes one a master. In sum, being a master is a journey, not a destination.