Monday, September 29, 2008

Try somethign innovative every time.

If I do something the same way I get the same result, but one of us want status quo. Continuous innovation is an absolute necessity in life. We need to innovate and create a lot of satisfaction for ourself.
Innovation might be in varied aspects, the process or the product itself. Its necessary that we innovate on either of them to realize and obtain a greater knowledge level. Innovation if a natural process to human beings, not many creatures have the ability to innovate as humans do. The ability of the brain to create and imitate has given us this ability to innovative a prime place is all endeavors.
Its essential for a happy existence that we tap into this master talent of ours called innovation, within the framework of our duty there are a lot of innovation which is possible an which has to be done. An innovation need not be radical, it can be stepwise and innovate slowly to reach a higher level of sophistication.

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