Saturday, September 20, 2008

Try out somethign new often

If I try to do the same thing, I get the same thing - then why should I try to do the same thing... with each attempt I need to improve. I need to "experience" and take the "learning" and use it to improve.
We are not going to improve or realize any of our talents if we keep the status quo; the status quo is only a temporary fix... we need to break the status quo and get to the next level. As the japanese ideology for the same - Kaizen; which signifies continues improvement; we too need to learn to focus continuously on improving ourselves and reaching a greater height.
Steve Jobs once mentioned that we need to ask ourself if we are doing something new daily; and if the answer to this question is no for a long time; then it means we are not going on the right path. So, great people realize the importance of improving constantly - lets be wise and learn from them, we need to improve constantly.
Every one of us are born with a lot of talent, there is a certain set of talents that we are aware of, as kid we experimented a lot and discovered our talents. With each talent being discovered within us we were so excited and happy; but now when we are grown up - neither do we know of the joy we had nor do we experiment to find our hidden talents. We loose ourself in the crowd some where...we consciously don't want to come out and try something different. We try for security all the while, but if I don't take the risk I wont get the reward.
By this I don't say quit the job your doing and focus on your search for the talent only; I would suggest develop a discipline to constantly look at ourself, search for avenues which we haven't explored earlier and go search for them. It may be about learning a new instrument, painting sketching, trekking... anything - anything that you don't usually do.
I keep trying to do something that I haven't done earlier very often - I wait for such a chance... each time I challenge myself with something I haven't done earlier... experiment and then seek avenues to improve upon it till I am satisfied with it. The approach I would have initially taken might not be the best; but definitely its the start of learn by experience....
Go get the experience of what you are!!! that is the real you... enjoy the journey...

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