Sunday, September 28, 2008

Dont let work accumlate

An important thing which I have observed, by repeated mistakes of mine is that I let work accumlate. This is a habit of procrastination which is so omnipresent. When I have to do some work, there is something that is too small to do, I procrastinate to push it to the next day, a little more adds to it, I have a bit more to do that day, but I am a bit busy today, will do it tomorrow, well it has accumlated for a couple of days, but I think I have to give some more time than the stipulated time, so I will give a few hours this weekend. I push it even further; but on the weekedn there is something that is more precious and am hard pressed to finish it off, so I am not able to finish it.
This is typical of any person, though I have observed it in myself, I get to hear of it from a lot of my friends itself. So what is a good way to solve this problem. The solution is simple - The same old mantra of having a bit of patience to finish off the work before I sleep. It may require you to extend the sleep time by about 5 minutes, but it is worth it. This patience, will develop a discipline, which will help us take care of these small trivialities very quickly and with least effort over a period of time. I recall some of the things when I first did I took over an hour to do it, but through rigorous practice, I was able to reduce the time to less than 20 minutes. Once discipline sets in, we gain a mastery over time management. We have the energy to do much more than usual, we stretch our limits and improve continuously - kaizen as the Japanese people call it.
They practice this thoroughly, through effective use of this technique, Japanese auto manufacturers were able to challenge the US auto companies in their own market. This is the strength of keeping to the basics, practising for improvement regularly. So dont let things accumlate - It reminds me of a kannada adage which says - "What cannot be bent as a sapling cannot bent when it grows up to be a tree." So when you realise there is a small things to do, it means you can continuously work to improve it and reach a greater perfection. Strive for continuous improvement; even when you are hard pressed. The benefits are worth the effort.

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