Friday, October 24, 2008

To live a live completely I just need to be present.

Being present at all times is one of the most challenging task. How many time have I read a paragraph, got distracted and read the same paragraph; and after some time realize by some link that I already read it. Ah! innumerable actually.
The same thing happens with me in a discussion, in a lecture.... I just dont be there all the time. Being completely present there is more than just being awake.
People generally confuse being awake with being conscious, in my perspective consciousness is about being at the place both mentally and physically.
The next question - How do I reach it?
Well the answer stops at concentrating, if you concentrate and dont let anything out of your conscious mind, that will give you a start in the direction.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Mastery of the tools

When we do any work, its typical that we use tools. The tools may not just be tangible items like spoon, fork, etc; they may also be intangibles like software.
The basic purpose of a tool is to ease the effort in doing things. Tools evolve just as humans evolve. These tools get more sophisticated with age; its important to be ready to accept these changes. One example I can think of is the text editor itself.
When typewriting was in vogue, it was almost incidental to make mistakes and correct it with a whitener, then the computers came in and with them the black screen command prompt editors like the vi of the present day. Then came the visual aided editors with basic functionality like the text pad and some improved formatting capabilities were added on... then came the wordpad... and the Microsoft word...97... with a lot new facilities to make the edition of documents really easy...the latest editions are making the work of a document writer all the more easier...
The person who typewrote documents if had changed and adapted to the new technologies would have hay day, and could reach out to a larger consumer base... that is if he not just mastered the speed typing but also the tools them self ( say the TOC, or the references etc) which makes the job even more simpler.... so the essence is ... master tools... they will stand good sted when you need them the most....